Eco Justice as CommunityOur Savior's is celebrating Earth Week May 9-15 and our theme this year is "Eco Justice as Community."
Community has always been central to God's mission. In the midst of a culture focused on individualism, as "...Christians [we] are called to reach beyond ourselves, to embrace all God's children and affirm our interconnectedness and interdependence. While technology has enabled sprawling virtual communities and facilitated
connections that span the globe, nowhere is the call and opportunity for discipleship and transformation greater than in our local community."
Our Savior's invites you to "...reflect on the goodness of God's creation through the lens of your local community. Can the food we eat strengthen our bonds with one another? How do our choices affect our brothers and sisters who live on the economic or social margins of our
communities? How might we, as people of faith, celebrate the
abundance God has given us an take action to ensure all God's
children share in it?" (National Council of Churches for Eco Justice,
Where Two or More are Gathered: Community as Eco Justice, pg. 1).
Below is our fantastic line-up of Earth Week activities - we hope you find something that sparks your interest! Please join us - Earth Week is all about you and the community you are a part of!
Plastic Bottle Drive - Now through Sunday, May 15Bring in as many plastic bottles as you can between now and the 15
th and dump them in our giant recycling dumpster. Write your phone number in marker on every bottle you
bring. At the Earth Sunday Picnic on May 15, watch as our "Eco Man" dives for the winning bottle! The winner will be announced at the picnic and will receive our Grand Prize with items from local businesses all over Fargo -
Moorhead including Eco Chic,
Norwex, Love in the Oven Bakery and more!
Movie Night - Monday, May 9, 6:30 p.m. in the West NarthexShowing:
The Inconvenient TruthShort conversation time after the film
Snacks and beverages provided
Build Your Own Rain Barrel Workshop - Thursday, May 12, 6:00 p.m., River Keepers Living Lab, FargoRain barrels are great tools for conserving water and money during the hot summer months when lawn care and garden watering are at their peak. Register by emailing the church office (, call to sign up (233-2412) or stop by the Welcome Center and add your name to the list! This is a great family project!
Art Contest - Paint our Rain BarrelOur Savior's made a rain barrel in the rain barrel workshop last fall and before we install in on the church grounds it needs to be painted! But why not do something fun and creative? This is where YOU come in! Artists young and old are encouraged to participate in this contest. Submit your design to the church office, in any format your like, by Friday, May 13, and the winning design will be announced at the Earth Sunday picnic on Sunday, May 15.
Adult Education Series: Hope for Creation - Wednesdays at 7:30 in Larsen Lounge, beginning May 11In
Hope for Creation, Dr. Matthew
Sleeth explores his personal salvation experience and desire to follow Jesus in the context of the love story God tells in Genesis 1. In these six sessions, Dr.
Sleeth guides us through each of the created elements - light, water, soil, heavens, animals, and man - and reminds us of our God-given commission to "tend and protect the planet." Dr.
Sleeth is the founder of the Blessed Earth organization - learn more about Blessed Earth at
Earth Sunday Worship Services - May 15, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.Worship on this special Earth Sunday will worship the Creator and celebrate his amazing creation. Special guest speaker, Cheryl
Biller of
Presbyterians for Earth Care, will deliver the message that day.
Education Hour Projects and Learning Opportunities for All Ages - May 15, 9:30-10:20 a.m.Parents are encouraged to attend the Sunday School education hour with their kids for a fantastic hour of celebrating and learning about God's creation.
Earth Sunday Picnic Celebration - May 15, 11:30 a.m.Our Earth Week celebration comes to an exciting finish with a picnic catered by the VIP Room. Join us for great food, enjoying the outdoors (if the weather is nice), drawings, prizes and much more!