Call your Senators and ask them to support strong climate legislation this year. The U.S. Senate was supposed to take up climate and energy legislation this fall, but now they are saying they won't address climate change this year, if they even do it at all. This delay is unacceptable--climate change is a matter of great urgency for the future of God's creation and for people living in poverty around the globe who are already facing the impacts of a warming planet. Call: 1 888 784-0527
They need to hear from as many people as possible to ensure they address climate change now and not later. Give your Senators a call this week and tell them to pass climate legislation this year.
As people of faith, we are called to use our voices to speak out for justice for God's people and God's Creation. Call your Senators and tell them God's whole earth is good.
Call Today.
Here's How:
1. Dial the toll-free number 1-888-784-0527. Click here to if you do not know your Senator.
2. Once connected to the Capitol Switchboard, ask for one of your Senator's Offices.
3. Then, when you are connected, leave a message with the person who answers the phone.
Here's an example:"Hi. My name is ___________ and I am a constituent. As a person of faith, I believe that the Senate must address climate change this year. It is time for us to be good stewards of God's Earth and seek justice for all of God's people."
4. Repeat the steps with your 2nd Senator's office. Thank you for helping to ensure a strong climate bill.
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